Drop Solitaire™ Privacy Policy

Personal Information

Drop Solitaire does not not collect, store or share any personal information or location data, except as specified below.


Drop Solitaire uses standard analytics tools to receive anonymous usage statistics in order to facilitate bug fixes and improve the product.

Advertising and 3rd Parties

Drop Solitaire uses a third party to market, sell, and display advertisements that you may see when you play the game and may place a unique 'cookie' on your computer or mobile device. More information can be found at https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads.

Drop Solitaire uses a third party for marketing analytics which collects the following categories of your personal information and may sell it to third parties: identifiers, commercial information, internet or other electronic network activity information, geolocation data, and inferences drawn from these categories. More information can be found at https://www.kochava.com/kochava-collective/collective-data-privacy-policy/.


This privacy policy applies to all versions of Drop Solitaire offered by Hot Chai Productions, LLC. If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us through our website.